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An investment newsletter by Dot Investing.


Your guide to private markets

Expert comment and insight on key investment topics, delivered to your inbox monthly.

Written by our Head of Investments, Luke Dixon, drawing on his two decades of experience investing in private and alternative assets.

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Recent editions of Dispatch by Dot Investing


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August 2022

August's Dispatch was dedicated to private credit, a simple label for a very broad asset class with sub-strategies such as direct lending and real estate debt that have features that make them particularly attractive when interest rates are rising but have also made them a mainstay of institutional portfolios over the past decade.

A third sub-strategy, opportunistic credit, has the flexibility to invest in underperforming, stressed or even distressed credit and is a strategy well suited to recessionary environments.

We highlighted each of these sub-strategies in this issue.

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October 2022

In our last October edition, delve deeper into the advantages of private markets in challenging times and provide some data to support our conviction.

As we have noted elsewhere, private markets managers have a long history of outperforming public markets. Much of this long-term outperformance is derived during crisis periods, as public markets become oversold by panicked sellers and buyers go on “holiday”. In their absence patient, highly motivated and well-funded private markets managers step in to buy great assets at favourable prices.

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